SOAP Example

This is a bit of example code for connecting to a SOAP API that uses an auth call and cookies for logging into the API. For more complex type like xml you will have to handle the output.

# Connection vars
$HostName = ''
$UserName = ''
$Password = ''
$SoapUrl = "http://$HostName/soap3/api.wsdl";
$Client = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $SoapUrl
$Client.CookieContainer = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer
if(!$Client.authenticate($UserName, $Password))
    Write-Host -BackgroundColor black -ForegroundColor red "Unable to connect to $HostName"
$a = $Client.core_getDevices()


This is a script i wrote to see if i was making ISK in eve by importing PI basic or refined commodities and making Specialized commodities.  At some point I want to make this script do all PI commodities but for now its setup for robots.  If you know your item IDs you can edit it for your commodities.

if($Debug){$DebugPreference = 'Continue'}
Write-Debug "ON"

$ItemIDs = @{
    "ReactiveMetals" = 2398
    "PreciousMetals" = 2399
    "ToxicMetals" = 2400
    "ChiralStructures" = 2401
    "MechanicalParts" = 3689
    "ConsumerElectronics" = 9836
    "Robotics" = 9848

$Items = @{
    2398 = "ReactiveMetals"
    2399 = "PreciousMetals"
    2400 = "ToxicMetals"
    2401 = "ChiralStructures"
    3689 = "MechanicalParts"
    9836 = "ConsumerElectronics"
    9848 = "Robotics"

function GetPriceData

        $Region = 10000002 #the forge

    $IDString = ''
    $IDs | %{$IDString += "typeid="+"$_"+'&'}
    $XMLString = ""+"$IDString"+"regionlimit=$Region"
    $XML = New-Object system.xml.xmldocument
    Write-Debug $XMLString
    #$BaseNode = "/evec_api/marketstat"
    $Returns = @{}
    $Root = $XML.evec_api.marketstat
    foreach($Node in $Root.ChildNodes)
        [int32]$TypeID = $
        $Buy = $
        $Sell = $Node.sell

        Write-Debug $ItemsIDs[$TypeID]

        $Returns[$Items[$TypeID]] = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (@{
        'ID' = $TypeID
        'SellPrice' = [double]$Sell.min
        'BuyPrice' = [double]$Buy.max})
    return $Returns


$BasicQuantity = 80
$RefinedQuantity = 10
$SpecializedQuantity = 3
$BasicTax = 2000 # per 80
$RefinedTax = 4500 # per 10
$SpecializedTax = 21000 # per 3
$SalesTax = 0.01 # lv5 sales tax

$PriceData = GetPriceData (

if(!$PriceData){Write-Debug 'Nothing returned'}

$Sales = $PriceData.Robotics.BuyPrice * $SpecializedQuantity * (1 - $SalesTax)

#this bit needs to be a function for things other then robotics

$Costs = ($PriceData.ReactiveMetals.SellPrice * $BasicQuantity`
    + $PriceData.PreciousMetals.SellPrice * $BasicQuantity`
    + $PriceData.ToxicMetals.SellPrice * $BasicQuantity`
    + $PriceData.ChiralStructures.SellPrice * $BasicQuantity)`
    * (1 + $SalesTax)
$Tax = 4 * $BasicTax + $SpecializedTax

$Profits = ($Sales - $Costs) - $Tax

if($Profits -ge 0){$Color = "Green"}
else{$Color = "Red"}

Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Color "Basic:" $Profits "Per Day:" ($Profits*24)

$Costs = ($PriceData.MechanicalParts.SellPrice * $RefinedQuantity`
    + $PriceData.ConsumerElectronics.SellPrice * $RefinedQuantity)`
    * (1 + $SalesTax)
$Tax = 2 * $RefinedTax + $SpecializedTax

$Profits = ($Sales - $Costs) - $Tax

if($Profits -ge 0){$Color = "Green"}
else{$Color = "Red"}

Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Color "Refined:" $Profits "Per Day:" ($Profits*24)


This is my attempt to create a command similar to Linux’s who command.  Basically all this is doing is using WMI to see who the logged on user is, this is the key line:

Get-WMIObject Win32_Computersystem -Comp $Hostname -ev myError -ea SilentlyContinue | Select Name, UserName

Here is the full script with help doc and exception handling:

# Author: Erich Cottom
# Copyright: Erich Cottom
# Title: Who
# Description: This script gets the current loged on user of the local or remote computer

# who 1.0.0 - inital release
# who 1.0.1 - added default local hostname fixed trap exception
# who 1.1.0 - trap statment now only for dns
# who 1.1.1 - fixed dns trap to reset on fail
# bug - rdp user appear as not logged on

This script acts like Linux's who command

This command uses WMI to get the user who is currently logged onto the system.

.PARAMETER Hostnames
A list of Hostnames to inquire about logged on users

who.ps1 mycomp

Name                                                        UserName
----                                                        --------
mycomp                                                      MYCOMP\myuser

who.ps1 pc1,pc2,pc3,pc4,pc5

Name                                                        UserName
----                                                        --------
pc1                                                         DOMAIN\user1
pc2                                                         DOMAIN\user2
pc3                                                         DOMAIN\user3
pc4                                                         DOMAIN\user4
pc5                                                         DOMAIN\user5



	[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Hostnames = $env:computername

$Hostnames = $Hostnames | get-unique

foreach ($Hostname in $Hostnames)
	# Test if hostname will resolve to ip
	$DnsTest = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry("$hostname")
	trap [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException]

		Write-Output "$hostname has no dns reccord" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black

		$DnsTest.AddressList = $null
	if($DnsTest.AddressList -ne $null)
		# Ping test
		$Ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
		$Reply = $Ping.Send($Hostname)
		$PingTest = $Reply.status
		if ($PingTest -eq "Success")
			# Get logged on user
			Get-WMIObject Win32_Computersystem -Comp $Hostname -ev myError -ea SilentlyContinue | Select Name, UserName

			# RPC error if WMI call fails
			if ($MyError -ne $null)

				Write-Output "The RPC server on $hostname is unavailable" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black

		# Ping test errors
		elseif ($PingTest -eq "TimedOut")

			Write-Output "Ping Failed: $hostname appears to be down" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black


			Write-Output "Other ping error: $PingTest" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black


List of all Commands

Just typing Get-Command will give you a full list of cmdlets (PowerShell commands), alias, and functions.  Typing Get-Command -CommandType All or Get-Command * will give you a list of all commands including .EXEs in the path and .DLLs

Get-Help is a cmdlet that give you a detailed description of how to use cmdlets, functions, providers, alias, and anything else that has a help file.  Get-Help * will give you a list of all help files and Get-Help -Category HelpFile will get you all of the about_ files that describe how PowerShell works.

man is an alias to Get-Help which makes getting help quicker and more familiar to Linux users.